General Secretary AIPRPA
New Delhi.
E mail
Dated: 21st November, 2015
Dear Comrades
We hope you must have gone through the gist of the 7th CPC recommendations, which we have placed on our website on 20th. We reproduce hereunder a copy of the Press Statement issued by the Convenor, National JCA, Com. Shiv Gopal Misra immediately after the submission of the report by the commission to the government. We are in full agreement with the views expressed therein and endorse the same. In fact from every facet, this report must be characterized as the worst attempt of wage revision for Central Government employees. The increase in the wages after 10 years is just 14.28%, whereas it was much more in the case of Bank and Insurance Employees whose wage revision takes place every five years. We have every reason to believe that the present Government has exerted pressure on the Commission to suppress the wage package of the Central Government employees. It had been our repeated plea that the Commission should not be loaded with bureaucrats drawn from the Government for it is our experience right from the 5th CPC onwards that their presence has influenced the Commission’s recommendations. No different is the story of the 7th CPC. The bureaucrats in the Group ‘A’ cadres have immensely benefited from this Commission’s report. The ratio between the minimum and maximum, as per the 7th CPC recommendation is 1:14, even beyond what the 6th CPC recommended. It could be seen that none of the demands which the Central Government employees jointly placed before the Commission has been accepted. There is no reasoning advanced by them to substantiate the rejection. Most of the issues have been dealt with in a manner of an arbitrator. In order to suppress the wages, the doctrine and formula of minimum wage has been distorted by the Commission. They have taken the average of 12 months ( July, 2014 to June, 2015) prices of the commodities, which the formula does not stipulate at all. The minimum wage has to be on the basis of the retail prices of the commodities on a particular date. The rates are sourced from the Labour Institute, Simla, whose credentials of adoption of the actual rates had been dubious all along. The Ministry of Agriculture in their website publishes the monthly rates of commodities. We have worked out the minimum wage taking the average rate of 8 cities as on 1.11.2015. Even according to those rates, which the Government cannot dispute, the minimum wage comes to Rs. 26000 +. Fitment formula and every other allowances depend upon the minimum wage. The pay scales are constructed on the premise of the minimum wage. The issue has to be fought out. We hope the meeting of the leaders of the organizations participating in the JCM scheduled to be held on 8thDecember, 2015 will take the decision to go ahead with the strike preparation. That alone will make the negotiation, if at all it takes place, meaningful and fruitful.
Coming to the issues concerning the Pensioners, you must have seen that except in the case of parity, there is no positive recommendation emanated from this Commission. Every pensioner had expected a rise in the FMA as it is presently pegged down to a meagre amount of Rs. 500. The Government had agreed to revise the additional pension for those beyond the age of 75. The 7th CPC has even rejected it on the advice of the Defense Ministry. We are at a loss to understand that what authority the Defense Ministry has got in this matter.
We shall have to prepare a charter of demands to be presented to the Government through the Staff Side JCM as also directly. We, therefore, request all our comrades, to go through the recommendations and make suggestions for improvement so as to help the Sectt. to formulate the demands. Kindly bear in mind that the demands which we propose to include in the charter must be such which has universal coverage.
We must join the Protest Day on 27th November, 2015, being organized by the working employees. Every State Committee and affiliate may decide upon a particular venue in each State Capital and join the demonstration by wearing the black badges.
Please print the following on the badges:
Protest Day 27.11.2015
We protest against the most retrograde recommendations
Of the 7th CPC.
Demand the Government to negotiate and revise the minimum wage and settle the issues.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.
National Joint Council of Action
4, State Entry Road, New Delhi - 110055
November 20 , 2015
Central Government Employees are totally disappointed
with the adverse recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission.
Seventh Central Pay Commission while giving a bonanza
to the higher level officers has completely ignored the low paid employees.
Central Government Employees to observe "BLACK DAY"
by holding massive demonstration wearing black badges
all over the country on 27 th November 2015.
to protest against the retrograde recommendations of the 7th CPC.
NJCA appeals to the Central Government Employees
to be prepared for more serious action programmes
The National Joint Council of Action of Central Government Employees in its meeting held on 20th November 2015 has unanimously resolved to fight back against the adverse and retrograde recommendation of the 7th CPC. The Central Government Employees are totally disappointed and dissatisfied with the recommendations of the 7th CPC submitted to the Government on 1 9th November 2015. While the wage revision for the employees of PSUs and Banks etc takes place once in five years the Central Government Employees have to wait for a long period of 10 years for wage revision.
The demand of the Staff Side of the National Council JCM to fix the minimum pay to that of Rs. 26,000/- has been completely rejected by the 7th CPC and has arbitrarily fixed the minimum pay as Rs. 18000/-. The 7th CPC has mutilated the formula for fixing the minimum wage. The minimum wage recommended amounts to a meagre increase of Rs. 2250 from the existing minimum pay of Rs. 7000 + 8750 (125 % DA as on 1.1.2016). From this minimum pay of Rs, 18000/-, as per the recommendation of the 7th CPC itself Rs- 1500/- will be recovered for CGEIGS and 10 % i. e Rs.180Q/- will be recovered towards New Pension Scheme from the employees recruited after I. 1.2004 and 6% towards GPF contribution from the employees recruited prior to 1.1.2004 resulting in minus benefit for the low paid employees.
The public at large is misled by the statement that a hike of Rs 23.5% is granted to Central Government employees where as the actual increase is only 14.29%. While the minimum wage is fixed as Rs. 18000/- the Secretary level officers are given a huge hike of Rs. 2,25,000 and the Cabinet Secretary’s salary is fixed as Rs. 2,50,000. Whereas the demand of the National Council — JCM (Staff Side) that the ratio between minimum pay and the maximum pay should be not more than 1: 8, the 7th CPC has kept the ratio as I:13.8; While the National Council — JCM has demanded for reducing and rationalizing the number of pay scales, the 7th CPC rejected the same and retained all the 18 pay scales.
The House Rent Allowance has been reduced from the existing 30% to 24%, 20% to 16% and 10% to 8%.
More over the 7th CPC has recommended for abolition of various allowances like small family allowance and advances like festival advance etc. Instead of removing the existing anomalies in the MACP Scheme, the 7th CPC has introduced examination for granting MACP. The 7th CPC has refused to make any recommendations against the New Pension Scheme. For the 2nd spell of 365 days child care leave for women employees the leave wages will be reduced to 80%.
In a nutshell the Central Government Employees are totally upset, dissatisfied and disappointed over the major recommendations of the 7th CPC. Therefore the NJCA has decided to observe a massive demonstration on 27th November 2015 against the adverse recommendation of the 7th CPC. All the constituent organizations are requested to advise their affiliates to observe in an effective manner and also to issue similar press statements in their respective states / centres. The NJCA will meet on 8th December 2015 to finalise the views on the various recommendation of the 7th CPC and to forward the same to the Government for a negotiated settlement.
The NJCA further appeals to the Central Government employees to be prepared to carry forward the struggle till a negotiated settlement is reached.
Yours Sincerely
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
Saturday, 21 November 2015
Pre-2006 Pensioners get some relief from 7th CPC - A gain among huge other losses!!
Options recommended to Pre-2006 Pensioners
by 7th CPC!
While making either retrograde recommendations on many issues and perpetuation of 6th CPC recommendations on a number of issues, there is some relief to Pre-2006 Pensioners in the matter of fixation of pension. Many pre-2006 pensioners are requesting CHQ to give details of this recommendation.
The 7th CPC has recommended two options as follows:
1. Like all others they can opt for fixation by multiplication of their existing basic pension (including commuted pension) by 2.57 factor. For example if the basic pension to a pre-1996 pensioner retired in pay scale 3000-4500 (and drawn 9 increments in that scale before retirement) was fixed under 4th CPC as Rs.1940/-; and prefixed from 1.1.2006 as Rs.12543/-; then now by multiplying this basic pension 12543 X2.57 = 32,236/- as new basic pension w.e.f 1.1.2016.
2. Option 2: The present minimum of pay scale corresponding to 4th CPC pay scale of 3000-4500 is 67,700. Add 9 increments notionally to this @ 3%x 9=27% that comes to 20,700/- to a total of Rs.88,400 notionally; 50% of this notional pay is 44,200/-; The pre-2006 pensioner can opt for this amount of 44,200/- as new basic pension from 1.1.2016.
This recommendation of adding the number of increments earned in the pay scale before retirement of a pre-2006 pensioner is more or less like the increments being added to Armed Forces Pensioners under OROP system; Definitely an improvement formula to pre-2006 pensioners. Only thing short of full parity between past and future pensioner is the denial to grant the benefit of any upgraded pay scale granted to the same cadre by successive pay commissions.
NJCA & Confederation on the move!
Big Disappointment Among
CG Employees &Pensioners!
CG Employees Organizations getting ready
for future struggles!
Dear Comrades, The 7th CPC is a big disappointment. Need Based Minimum Wage formula mutilated by the Chairman. 18000 salary to MTS is nothing but a mockery. 2.57 multiplication factor denies justice to all workers and pensioners. Ratio between MTS and Cabinet Secretary is too wide resulting in MTS getting 18000 and Cabinet Secretary 2,50,000. MACP, HRA, Allowances, CCL every issue is treated in a retrograde manner.
National JCA of Staff Side already called upon to observe 27.11.2015 as 'BLACK DAY' to hold protest demonstrations protest in all places with full strength. We shall change the retrograde report - KR GS AIPRPAand wear black badges. Confederation National Secretariat meets on 27th November in Delhi to take decisions. National JCA of Railways, Defence and Confederation meets on 8.12.2015 to finalise modification to the Report needed to be done including correction to minimum wage formula. Negotiations with Government will be demanded. Nonacceptance of justified changes will result in a big show down. Aiprpa Chq extends total solidarity to CGE movement. It calls all pensioners to join the BLACK DAY.
Friday, 20 November 2015
New Delhi.
E mail
Dated: 20th November, 2015
Dear Comrade,
The 7th CPC submitted its report to the Government yesterday at about 7.30 PM. The report in full text was available on the website of the Commission immediately thereafter. We have gone through the report. What is given hereunder is the product of the cursory glance. We must study the report to understand its full implications and meet in our organizational forum to decide upon our future course of action. In the meantime, we must also look to the reaction of the serving employee's organizations as the most important demand i.e. minimum wage has been virtually rejected by distorting the formula itself. Since every other recommendation of the Commission is based upon the minimum wage, a revision thereof will have a cascading impact. We give hereunder a brief resume of the recommendations. It must however be admitted that the most important demand of the Pensioners Associations, i.e. to bring about complete parity between the present and past pensioners has been acceded to a great extent. There are quire number of ifs and buts in the recommendation. That must be sorted out by united efforts by all of us. In our memorandum to the Commission, we have put forth many other legitimate grievances and its redressals. None of these demands have been found acceptable to the Commission. Even in respect of medical facilities, the recommendations are disappointing. We hope fervently that the National Joint Council of Action of the organizations participating in the JCM will not take this onslaught lying down and will react. We must support their action programmes to the best of our ability.
We are planning for a meeting of the newly elected office bearers to be held in the next month. We would request all our comrades to read the report and suggest to us the revisions needed so that we can forward the same to the NJCA for inclusion in their charter of demands pertaining to the 7th CPC recommendations.
I express my gratitude and sincere thanks for the leaders and delegates of the NCCPA who attended the last Conference at Kolkata for reposing confidence in me and electing me as the Secretary General. No pensioner will be able to say that he is physically fully fit and that is true with me also. I assure you that I shall strive my best to function as the Secretary General of this great organization, which has been nurtured and brought to this stage by the great comrades like Com. S.K. Vyas. Our Endeavour must be to bring the NCCPA as a strong and united organizations in which all Pensioners Association could be proud to be member affiliate.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.
7th CPC recommendations:
The worst ever by any Pay Commission so far. Only 14.29% increase and that too
After ten years.
The NJC A leaders are meeting at Delhi
Today to chalk out further course of Action.
Recommendations at a glance.
1.Date of Effect: 1.1.2016. Our demand was 1.1.2015 and wage revision after every five years.
2. Minimum pay Rs. 18,000 against our demand for Rs. 26,000 for MTS. Dr.Aykroyd formula mutilated.
3. Fitment formula has been recommended to be 2.57 time. This 18,000/7000. Since our Minimum wage calculation was 26,000 our fitment formula was 3.7 time.
4. On promotion: Fixation: old FR 22© i.e. one increment in the feeder cadre and fixation at the next higher stage.
5. Pay band and Grade pay system abolished. Open ended pay scale. Or Pay matrix. Existing Grades maintained. No delayering resorted to.
6. Increase in the pay is only. 14.28% i.e. 7000 as on 1.1.2016 with 125% DA would be 15,750. Which has been revised to 18,000. That works out to 14.28.
7. Annual increment rate is the same old percentage of 3.
8. Ratio between minimum and maximum salary: 18000=25000: 1:14 and 18000=225000: 1:12.5 Even the 6th CPC had recommended only 1: 11.4 as the ratio.
9. Allowances: 52 allowances removed including risk and cashier/cash handling allowance family planning etc.
10HRA. Classification of cities and towns maintained. JCM demand rejected. Allowance rate has been reduced to 24,16 and 8 from the present rate of 30, 20 and 10.
11.DA: No change in the formula.
12.Transport allowance: Made into three slabs as under:
Pay Level
Higher Transport Allowance cities (A, AI)
Other places
9 and above
7200 + DA
3600 + DA
3 to 8
3600 + DA
1800 + DA
1 and 2
1350 + DA
900 + DA
13. Modified assured career progression: Demand for hierarchical promotion accepted. Will continue to be three after every 10 years.MACP will only be on the basis of very good bench mark. Failure ko get required bench MarK for promotion within the first 20 years of service will result in stoppage of increment. Their service Such employees who have out lived their ability, their services need not be continued and the continuance of such persons in the service should be discouraged.
14. Anomaly between promote and direct recruitees removed.
15. New Pension scheme will continue. Some improvements are suggested. Nothing tangible.
16.Leave: Casual and Earned leave: No change. The demand for higher accumulation of leave is also rejected.
17. Child care leave. No Change in the quantum. However, the leave for the second year will have only 80% salary.
18. Maternity and Paternity leave: No revision is conceded
19. Medical Insurance scheme is again recommended.
20. LTC: No change. Only for those in NE region, Ladakh, Andaman, and Lakshadweep, split claim is allowed.
21. No decennial wage revision. Every year the wages may be reviewed as is the case in UK.
22. Bonus to be replaced by performance related pay.
23. New pension scheme to continue. Certain suggestions have been made for its improvement. But nothing tangible.
24.CEA and hostel subsidy. The procedure has been simplified. The amount is Rs. 2250 for CEA and 6750 for hostel subsidy ceiling. With increase as and when the DA crosses certain stipulated mark.
25.Group Insurnace scheme revised. Level 1 to 5: 1500. 15 lakhs, Level 6 to9 2500 and 25 lakhs, above 10 is 5000 and 50 lakhs.
26. In the matter of the GDS the most exploited segment of the working Central Govt. employees, the commission has gone out of the way to state that they are outside the purview of the Civil Service and should continue to be so.
Pension Benefits: Parity between the past and present pensioners recommended. The formula is almost identical to the one suggested by the 5th CPC. The pay of the past pensioners will be first fixed at the minimum of the pay (7thCPC) of the post from which they retired increased by the increment for each year of service in that grade.
2. Minimum pension Rs.9000
3. Gratuity ceiling raised to Rs. 20 lakhs
4. Postal dispensaries to be merged with CGHS. No discrimination between postal and other pensioners.
5.Recognised hospitals of CCS(MA) Rules to be recognized by CGHS also.
6. FMA. No change.
7. No other demand has been accepted by the CPC. No reduction in the residency period of commutation.
Thursday, 19 November 2015
Justice Mathur!! Justice not done to 50 lakhs of employees and 50 lakhs of pensioners!
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Justice Mathur on his recommendations before the Media |
This 7th CPC has not given any breathtaking recommendations.
Hopes were raised but totally belied.
Need Based Minimum Wage for a Group ‘C’ MTS is only 18,000/-MACP is further made stringy with harsh conditions.
HRA slashed in the name of rationalization.
Many Allowances including Treasury, Cash handling etc are abolished.
Except for recommending inclusion of Postal Pensioners into CGHS without discrimination and granting Pre-2006 Pensioners the benefit of their service based annual increments notionally added for fixing pension - no other great advantage to Pensioners also.
Some Common – Postal – Pensioners related recommendations are briefly narrated as under:
Date of Effect: 1.1.2016.
Need Based Minimum Wage: The Staff Side had demanded 26,000/- as the minimum wages to a MTS which is considered as a Group ‘C’ cadre. But the 7th CPC while maintained that the 15th ILC norms of Dr.Aykroid formula on Need Based Minimum Wage is being followed, has recommended only Rs.18,000/- as the minimum wage for a Group ‘C’ employee.
The Pay Band and Grade Pay system has been removed. Individual Pay Scale to every cadre has been recommended. But by just applying the multiplication factor of 2.57 all existing Pay in the Pay Band + existing Grade Pay has only been taken into account for refixing the pay scale of every cadre. This does not totally take away the injustice perpetrated by 6th CPC.
A uniform multiplication factor of 2.57 is applied to employees and pensioners, wherein their present Basic pay + Grade Pay in the case of employees or Basic Pension in the case of Pensioners will be multiplied by 2.57 factor to refix the basic pay or basic pension.
Rate of annual increment has been kept at the old rate of 3%.
HRA percentage has been slashed in the name of rationalization. The existing 30%, 20% and 10% are reduced as 24%, 16%, 8% respectively; on DA points crossing 50% the rate will be 27%, 18%, 9% respectively; On DA points crossing 100% mark then the rates will be restored as 30%, 20% and 10% respectively. Though the quantum of HRA will be increased the slashing of HRA % is retrograde.
Treasury Allowance, Cash Handling Allowance abolished. Many Allowances are abolished.
MACP will continue to be three with 10,20,30 years and the reason stated is that since the pay band and grade pay is removed, the grievance arose will vanish. But the benchmark is tightened with ‘Very Good’ instead of ‘Good’ recommended by 6th CPC. Increments will be withheld for employees not able to meet the above benchmark to earn MACP or regular promotions within 20 years of their service. . Some examination or mandatory training for grant of MACP is also recommended. The anomaly arose in Postal Department and the subsequent Jodhpur Judgment etc in favor of Promotee employees are ignored by the Commission.
No operative cadre, right from MTS to HSG-I Postmasters have been considered for any up-gradation of pay scale but only granted with the replacement equivalent scales of pay. Only in the case of IPOs, ASPOs and consequently the SPOs the up-gradation of pay scale is allowed in the Department of Posts.
Member (Finance) post should be created without increasing the number of Postal Service Board Members. The post of Member (F) shall be held by a cadre from Indian P&T Accounts.
Senior Postmasters Grade with the present Grade Pay of 4800/- will be in future on the basis of 25% on seniority cum fitness from among the Postmasters Grade III cadre with 4600/- GP; and for the remaining 75% of posts the Postmasters Grade II and Grade III will also be permitted to compete along with the IPO Officials.
IPOs entry level pay will be on par with 4600/- Grade Pay; ASPOs will be elevated to 4800/- Grade Pay level; SPOs will be placed at 5400/- GP level.
The demand for up-gradation of Postal Assistant, LSG, HSG-II and HSG-1 scales has been rejected.
The demand for further up-gradation of Postmen scale by raising the entry educational qualification has been rejected.
The Commission is in agreement with the views of the VI CPC and recommends immediate merger of the remaining 33 postal dispensaries in 10 postal circles with CGHS so that the postal dispensary employees get the benefit of CGHS posts. Merging of the postal dispensaries with CGHS will also help in better use of infrastructure.
Artisans upgradation of pay scale is rejected.
Technical Supervisors upgradation is also rejected.
GDS are only holders of civil posts but not civilian employees. Therefore the Commission says that it has no recommendations for them.
CPC Rejected creation of separate cadre for System Administrators and Marketing Executives.
Most of the demands raised by Pensioners have been rejected.
Pre-2006 Pensioners are given option between: (1) to opt for 50% of Notional Pay in the Pay Band + Grade Pay + the number of increments @ 3% rate for the number of years service put in the cadre by them is added; or (2) 2.57 times of 6th CPC formula basic pension fixed from 1.1.2006. However, even this is not Parity in Pension between the past and future pensioners, as that would necessarily grant any up-graded pay scale advantage. The denial of up-graded scale advantage to Pre-2006 by 6th CPC is not set right fully by 7th CPC but only replacement scale benefit is guarenteed with notional increments.
Basic Pension enhancement from the present 50% of LPD stands rejected.
Additional Pension formula is not changed.
Demand for minimum pension at par with the minimum wage is rejected.
Commutation factor and commutation period are kept same without any change.
Gratuity ceiling is enhanced from 10 lakhs to 20 lakhs; Rate of Death Gratuity is modified to cover between 5 to 11 years and 11 to 20 years slab.
The order of the Health Ministry preventing P&T Pensioners to join CGHS if they were not members of CGHS while in service is discriminatory. All P&T Pensioners shall be allowed to join CGHS without discrimination. This is very favorable recommendation to P&T Pensioners.
Health Insurance Scheme is strongly recommended; In the meanwhile for pensioners outside the CGHS areas, some hospitals empanelled under CSMA /ECHS should be allowed on cashless basis.
All the remaining 33 Postal dispensaries shall be merged.
A strong network of medical facility by combining CGHS, ECHS, RELHS should be explored.
FMA is not enhanced but will continue the same 500/- per month.
Dear Comrades, The AIPRPA awaits analysis from all other Pensioners Organisations as well as the Federations and Unions of CG Employees on the entire report of 7th CPC. We shall join hands with all for any coordinated action. We also request all our members to study the report that is available in the website of 7th CPC ( and send their valuable suggestions and comments for the CHQ to consolidate and coordinate with all other organisations.
General Secretary