13-C-Feroze Shah Road,
New Delhi. 110 001.
Dated: 10th July, 2018.
President: Com.Shiv Gopal Misra. 9717647594
Secretary General. Com.KKN Kutty. 98110 48303
Dated: 20th March, 2019
Dear Comrades,
Dharna fast at Jantar Mantar on 15.3.2019
As has been decided by the National Executive Committee at its meeting held at Chennai on 5.08.2019 the dharna fast programme was carried out on 15thMarch, 2019 at Jantar Mantar. We had to encounter quite a number of problems as has been the case on the earlier occasions to get the permission of the Police authorities of Delhi to conduct the programme. This time, the excuse for refusing permission was the notification (Press release) of the Election Commission declaring election for the 17th Lok Sabha. The Police authorities wanted us to get the permission of the Election observer at Delhi for which our comrades at Delhi has to endeavour for a whole day. At the end of the day, the Election Observer rightly observed that she was appointed as an observer for holding the election and not for holding Dharna. In the evening, a meeting of the available comrades was held and it was decided that what may, we will hold the Dharna Fast at Jantar Mantar. The Police ultimately did not object and the programme went on without any further hindrance.
The programme commenced at about 11.30 AM. Com. V.A.N. Namboodiri, Patron NCCPA was the first speaker and detailed the purport of the programme. Com. Shiv Gopal Misra , President, NCCPA inaugurated the programme and the same was conducted by the Secretary General, Com. KKN. Kutty. We had invited all the Federations and Associations of the working employees and most of them could come and greet the programme. Com. Deep Chand on behalf of the Delhi Unit welcomed the participants. Other speakers included Com. Pavitra Chakraborty, Com. K. Raghavendran, Com. Jayaraj, Com. I.S. Dabas, Com. H.S. Sidhu, Com. Rehman, Com. T.M. Parameswaran. Com. Parasar, Com. Giriraj Singh, (Both from NFPE) Com. Brighu Bhattacharya,(Civil Accounts) Com. Ashok Kanojia, (Confederation)Com. Ajoy Tewari, (ITEF) were the speakers who greeted the dharna fast programme. Almost all the speakers exhorted the participants to take note of the nugatory attitude of the Government towards Central Government pensioners for the past 5 years and utilize the strength and power to vote them out of power . The programme was concluded at 2.30 PM.
The National Executive had targeted to ensure the participation of about 2000 comrades in the programme. Though we could not achieve it ( the participation was estimated to be about 1500), it had been a fantastic programme. We publish hereunder a photograph we have taken almost about 1.00PM, when the programme was going on, which no doubt will bring out the success of it in clear terms. The National Secretariat which met on 16th had unanimously opined that despite the hurdles created ,( the IB and its sleuths spreading the canard of cancellation of the programme on the pretext of the declaration of the election) was nassive and magnificent. . Some of the comrades, unfortunately without even verifying the facts had cancelled the tickets believing the rumour spread. There had been some other cancellations too as the last minute problem of physical disabilities of the participating comrades and cancellation of flights especially the Jet flights. . It was heartening to note that every affiliate of the NCCPA had tried to adhere to the quota, some exceeding . As on the last occasion, this time also the best participation came from the All India BSNL and DOT Pensioners Association, who had earlier organized a march to Sanchar Bhawan from Eastern Court to highlight their own specific demands and problems. The NCCPA Sectt. has requested its affiliates and State Units to undertake a proper review to identify the deficiencies so that it could be removed effectively before we could undertake further programmes. The NCCPA will be grateful if the affiliates and the State Units convey to us immediately on receipt of this communication of the extent of participation of their members (State-wise) to have a clear picture. Before I conclude, let me place on record that the programme had been a grand success in as much as we could demonstrate the discontent and grievances of the Central Government pensioners in an extremely magnificent manner and the credit for which goes to each and every participant and the leaders at the State and district levels who took the pains to elicit their participation, look after them properly and ensure that they return to their homes with fond memories . The message that the time has come to think seriously to bring in a government which will think in terms of the welfare of the Senior Citizens and the poor in the country has gone unambiguously and loudly amongst the pensioner community.
National Sectt. Meeting: 16.3.2019.
The meeting was held at AIRF Library Hall, presided over by Com.V.A.N. Namboodiri, Patron of NCCPA. The Secretariat reviewed the conduct of and participation in the programme, the conclusion of which has been detailed in the preceding paragraph. In order to comprehend the strength and weakness , which is the very purpose of such reviews, the meeting has decided to call for details of participation from each of the affiliate and State Unit so that corrective steps could be taken to remove the weakness in the organisation. The meeting noted that the absence of the important office bearers of NCCPA, i.e. Secretary General, Deputy and Assistant Secretary Generals, who had to be away from 24th Feb. to 9th March, to attend the TUI meeting at Bogota must have acted as a debilitating factor, which was in any case unavoidable.
Agenda Item No. 2. Court Cases:
Option No. 1. The suggestion of the Secretary General, emanating from the discussions, he had with the Advocates to the effect that petition must be filed before the Pr. Bench of the Tribunal was accepted by the house. The proposal of CGPA Kerala to engage Shri Kaleeswaramraj & Associates was also accepted. The package deal for the case is reported to be Rs. 2 lakhs, of which one lakh has to be paid at the time of filing the case. The Secretary General will meet the Advocates in the first week of April and will finalise the matter so that the petition could be filed when the court re-opens after the summer vacation. It was decided that each affiliate and the State Committee will contribute to the litigation fund. The amount to be contributed will be worked out by the Secretary General after ascertaining the membership base of each of them.
MACP Case. It was decided to file the case after obtaining application from those who are affected or benefitted. Each applicant will be asked to pay Rs. 1000 initially and the advocate identified at the instance of AIPRPA will be engaged. All affiliates and State units will collect the applications and forward the same to the CHQ without further loss of time.
NCCPA Journal. The journal, it was noted, is running in losses. To obviate the difficulties the only way was to increase its price, which can only be done at the next conference. In the meantime, the Assistant Treasurer and the comrade in charge of printing the magazine at Kolkata will prepare an Income and Expenditure Statement from 2015 to date and send the same to the CHQ. They will also indicate the amount of dues outstanding so that steps could be taken to recover it.
Finance: It was brought to the notice of the house that the travelling expenses to go over to Bogota had to be met by the Secretary General from his personal funds and the same has to be reimbursed. While the outstanding dues as per the present provisions of the constitution will be worked out by the treasurer it was decided by the house to seek donation to carry out the day to day activities of the CHQ. The Secretary General indicated that he was not in possession of the list of all the affiliates till date and Com. Pavitra Chakraborty has promised to provide him a copy thereof immediately. In the meantime, all affiliates are requested to provide the details of membership for the year F.Y. 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19 separately. This will enable the Sectt. To work out the details of outstanding.
Next Conference: At the last National Executive Committee meeting, Comrades from Rajasthan CGPA had been requested to undertake the exercise of feasibility of conducting the conference. It was informed to the house that so far no concrete suggestion has come from them. The house discussed the matter further as the Conference was overdue. The meeting decided that in any case conference must be held before the end of 2019. A final reply from Rajasthan may be solicited before the end of the month. AIPRPA, Tamilnadu State Unit will in the meantime explore the possibility of holding the conference at Chennai and intimate the outcome of their discussions to the Secretary General.
Affiliation application. The application from the Punjab National Bank Pensioners association was considered. The representatives of the said organization were present at the meeting. The members had the opportunity to hear them explain their case. The Bank Comrades will be provided with the copy of the constitution of NCCPA. The meeting authorized the Secretary General to grant affiliation to them.
Any other matter. Com. Somayya presented a paper containing the grievances of the CGHS beneficiaries to the meeting. It was told that JCM is making efforts to have a meeting with the health secretary to discuss the issues.
Com. Secretary General informed the house that the NCCPA has been granted the PAN No. though the communication is yet to be received in writing. He hoped that the same will be delivered at the Treasurer’s residence soon.
The Second world congress of the TUI (Pensioners and Retirees) was held at Bogota in Columbia. The NCCPA was represented by its Secretary General, Com. K.K.N. Kutty and oln behalf of AIPRPA, Com. K. Raghavendran and on behalf of AIBDPA, Com. K.G. Jayaraj attended the congress. A detailed report over the congress has been placed on the website and the same is carried by our journal for this month. It is to be noted that there had been no other representatives from India. All the Indian delegates have been elected to the administering Committees of the TUI. Com. K.G. Jayaraj has been elected to be one of the Executive Committee member, Com. K.Ragavendran in the Technical and Research Commission and Com. K.K.N. Kutty in the Finance Control commission. The TUI (P &R) is a vibrant international body and had been functioning in the last five years very well and have extended its influence to all continents. The responsibility of the expanding its base in Asia particularly is now cast upon NCCPA, even though the Nepalese delegation has been elected to be one of the office bearers. Com. K.G. Jayaraj particularly will have this carved out for him and our success will make NCCPA a world respected body.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.